Home of the opto isolated, bus powered, DMX512 interface with both in and out universes. Cheap and simple to build. USBDMX logo

Deprecated List

Global [LOChannelManager serialNumberForChannel:]
Use identiferForChannel instead

Global [LOChannelManager serialNumberWithPhysicalForChannel:]
Use identiferWithPhysicalForChannel instead

Global [LOColorMixFixtureAttribute updateOutputToColor:]
Use updateOutputWithObject

Global [LODiplessCrossFadeProvider crossFader]
Due to wrong name, use crossFade instead

Class LOFixtureManager
Please use LOCHannelManager for these fucntions. This class will be removed in the near future

Global [LOFixtureManager addFixture:]
Please use LOCHannelManager for these fucntions. This class will be removed in the near future

Global [LOFixtureManager addFixture:fromSoftPatch:]
Please use LOCHannelManager for these fucntions. This class will be removed in the near future

Global [LOFixtureManager addFixture:onUniverse:]
Please use LOCHannelManager for these fucntions. This class will be removed in the near future

Global [LOFixtureManager count]
Please use LOCHannelManager for these fucntions. This class will be removed in the near future

Global [LOFixtureManager defaultManager]
Please use LOCHannelManager for these fucntions. This class will be removed in the near future

Global [LOFixtureManager exportLibraryXML]
Please use LOCHannelManager for these fucntions. This class will be removed in the near future

Global [LOFixtureManager fixtureAtIndex:]
Please use LOCHannelManager for these fucntions. This class will be removed in the near future

Global [LOFixtureManager fixtures]
Please use LOCHannelManager for these fucntions. This class will be removed in the near future

Global [LOHWBridge initWithSerialNumber:]
use the LOHWManager functions

Global [LOHWBridge interfacePaths]
use the HWManager functions

Global [LOHWChannelProxy linkAdditionalProxy:]
see addAdditionalProxy: instead

Global [LOSoftPatch serialNumberForOffset:]
Use identifierForOffset

Global [LOSoftPatch serialNumberWithPhysicalForOffset:]
Use identifierWithPhysicalForOffset

Use the XML functions instead of this class

Global [LOXML elementFromPoint:withName:]
use LOXMLElementFromPoint(point, name)

Global [LOXML pointFromElement:]
use LOPointFromXMLElement(element)