Home of the opto isolated, bus powered, DMX512 interface with both in and out universes. Cheap and simple to build. USBDMX logo

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
LOButtonTokeniserThe button tokeniser takes button presses one at a time, and where needed compiles them into combined tokens (i.e
LOChannelA soft channel, is a channel that can be patched to one or more hard (physical) channels
LOChannelDataSourceSimple data source to allow all channels from the LOCHannelManager to be displayed in the a table, and have thier names edited
LOChannelManagerThe manager of all soft channles
< LOChannelProvider >Formal protocol for objects that are able to update a channel
LOChaseA chase is a timed sequence of scenes
LOChaseIntensityProviderA provider that provider chase intensisties to a running chase
LOChaseManagerThe chase manager is a place where chase can be created and stored
LOColorMixFixtureAttributeA colour mix uses 3 channels to mix colours, these can be CMY,RGB or HSV
LOCommandProcessorThe command processor takes a sequence of tokens and processes them
LOCommandTokenA command token is an object to represent a specifica part of a command string
LOCueFaderA class for fading from one look to another
LOCueHistoryA class that stores the previous cues for use in playing cues in reverse order
LOCueManagerThe cue manager is a place where cues can be created and stored
LODimmerCurveDefines a dimmer curve
LODimmerCurveViewA view to display a Dimmer Curve and allow a user to edit
LODiplessCrossFadeProviderA channel provider that passes data to the channel manager from two different sources with a dipless cross fade
LODirectProviderA simple (the most simple) channel provider that passes data directly to the channel manager for any given channel, without any manipulation
LODMXResponseEncapsulation of a response from the hardware interface
LODMXVersionEncapsulation of a version response from the hardware interface
LOFileManagerThe File Manager is responsible for all LightsOn files
LOFixtureAn Object to encapsulate the definitoin of a Lighting fixture and allow control over its many different attributes in a standard way
LOFixtureAttributeA fixture can have many different atttributes assocauted with it, such as intensity, or gobo
LOFixtureBaseAddressA base address is the first channel in a series of channels that define a fixtures attributes
LOFixtureChannelA fixture channel is a named channel, offset from a base address
LOFixtureLibraryAn object to manage a collection of fixture definitions
LOFixtureManagerThe fixture manager is responsible for holding all instansiated fixtures in the application
LOFixturePaletteA Palette is a series of ranges
LOFixturePaletteDataThe palette data class is an abstract class that should always be extended
LOFixturePaletteEntryA palette entry is a names set of ranges
LOFixtureRangeA Range is a set of channel values within a given channel
LOHWBridgeThis is an abstract bridge to the hardware interfaces
LOHWChannelProxyA channel proxy to allow a single channel to be updated on a given interface
LOHWContainerImplementation of a HWBridge that simply acts as a container and passed the channel data to all bridges held by this container
LOHWD2xxUSBDMXImplementation of a HWBridge for the USBDMX.COM interface
LOHWEnttecProImplementation of a HWBridge for the Enttec Pro interface
LOHWManagerThe hardware manager keeps track of all patched bridges
LOHWUSBDMXImplementation of a HWBridge for the USBDMX.COM interface
LOLightCueA simple storage class for light cues
LOMovementFixtureAttributeThe movement attribute defines one of the movement channles of the fixture
LOMultiSceneProviderThis provider allows multiple scenes to be mixed with a scene master
LOOffsetAn offset can spcify when a channel should start or end fading as part of a scene
LOPaletteFixtureAttributeA palette attribute contains a pallete for preset items such as a colour wheel, or a gobo wheel
LOProportionalFixtureAttributeA proportional attribute is one whose value can be any value within a given range
LOProportionalFixtureElementA proportional element is an element used to define the channels and ranges used by either an 8 or a 16 bit proportional attribute
LOSceneA scene is a collection of channel values to define a lighting state
LOSceneDataSourceSimple data source to allow all scenes from the LOSceneManager to be displayed in the a table, and have thier names edited
LOSceneManagerThe scene manager is a place where scenes can be created and stored
LOSceneProviderA Provider that takes a scene and runs it through a master fader before passing it to the channel manager
LOSoftPatchDefines soft patch parameters
LOTimedDiplessCrossFadeProviderA channel provider that automatically runs a cross fade given fade up and fade down, or cross fade time
LOTimingThreadA Thread that can be used for timing independant of the GUI, meaning that gui operations do not block timing events
LOUniversesDataSourceSimple data source to allow all universes to be displayed in a table, or an outline view
NSNotificationCenter(NSNotificationCenter_additions)Simple addition to make sure a notification is posted in the main application thread
NSObject(LOChaseIntensityMasterDelegate)Delegate interface to provide master fader support to a chase intensity
NSObject(LOCommandProcessorDelegate)Delegate interface to customise the behaviour of the LOCommandProcessor
NSObject(LODimmerCurveViewDelegate)Informal protocol for delegates of the LODimmerCurveView
NSObject(LOFileManagerDelegate)Delegate interface to customise the behaviour of the LOFileManager
NSObject(LOFixtureLibraryDelegate)Delegate interface to customise the behaviour of the LOFixtureLibrary